Viz™ LVO
Viz LVO versus Rapid LVO in detection of large...
Viz performed better than Rapid with a higher specificity and PPV.
Jul 28, 2023
Delve into our extensive collection of clinically published studies showcasing real-world evidence.
Viz™ LVO
Viz performed better than Rapid with a higher specificity and PPV.
Jul 28, 2023
Viz™ CTP
Perfusion parametric maps of the RAPID, Viz CTP, and e-CTP software have substantial agreement in predicting final infarct volume in...
Jul 25, 2023
Background After years of both increasing enthusiasm and skepticism by surgeons and patients, the first artificial intelligence (AI) and machine...
May 05, 2023
In a retrospective evaluation across 11 hospitals over 5 months (1777 consecutive CTAs for stroke evaluation), 55% of AI-identified cases...
Apr 21, 2023
Viz™ CTP
Good example of CTP helping to identify a second occlusion (M2) with a concise description of the multifaceted benefits of...
Mar 23, 2023
Viz™ LVO
Statistics across all Viz LVO hospitals from Oct. 2018 - June 2022. Analyses include a) the percentage of LVO reports...
Mar 17, 2023
Viz.ai Aneurysm CNN performed well in identifying the presence or absence of IAs in an independent validation imaging set. 400...
Mar 03, 2023
Objective Machine learning algorithms have shown groundbreaking results in neuroimaging. The authors herein evaluated the performance of a newly developed...
Mar 03, 2023
Viz™ ICH
188 adult patients were identified during the study period. Time between identification of ICH to neurosurgical team notification was reduced...
Feb 24, 2023